


Another thanksgiving come and gone at the behest of the WICKED WIND OF TIME – we turn endlessly towards the sun and away from the frigid onslaught of ice and air. OK. I’ll stop.

At work I have been assigned as the audio engineer for the pilot episode of the company podcast – the content of which mostly has to do with real estate news, analysis, and speculation. Riveting stuff. My tone may be sarcastic, but in all seriousness our human lives are hugely impacted by the high-level real estate transactions going on all around us. The vast majority of us humanoids are born in hospitals, rent apartment buildings, work on developed land, and are buried in cemeteries. The unifying strand is land B) Our greatest advantage with this new project is the expertise that the CoStar Analysts have. These men and women are eloquent presenters and know everything there is to know about the financial ecosystems of their respective  cities.  So I think this podcast has a good shot at being a powerhouse in its field.

ANYWAYS – the point here is that I am super stoked to work on a podcast of my own. Heck I live with two amazing musicians and we all ravenously consume podcasts on our own time. I’ve been enjoying moving the waveforms around and learning the twists and turns of finicky audio equipment.  THE ingredients are all here.

Here’s my idea:

A podcast is made up of segments. (not worrying about time/length right now)

Each segment can focus on a person who we interview. We learn about their life:  what they are up to on most days? What is their favorite aspect of that routine?  We can go with subjects on little journalistic trips and collect B-Roll Audio.

Every segment is tied together by a question though:

Imagine your 23-year old self was standing here, what piece of advice would you give them?

The way I see it – the audience that I am able to connect with most directly at this point are the legions of kids not so unlike myself who are graduating college and trying to figure out what the heck to do with themselves. Ideally this podcast could provide some solace to the masses of confused youths by unveiling the uncertainty felt by every person at that stage in their life.